How to Fully Restart everything Print

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How to perform a full restart

What do we mean when we say do a full restart?.

If you just switch your firestick off at the wall, it essentially does nothing.

Your device and router needs to be switched off at the plug for at least 10 mins to allow the device to forget the build up cache.

The fastest way to reset your router and device is to quite simply to go to the wall and turn off all the plugs, so there are no lights showing on your router and your firestick is switched off.

Now the best thing to do is to leave it off for at east 10 mins, This gives your router a chance to clear out all the cache and data that it's been storing, slowing you down.

After 10 mins, turn everything back on.
It can sometimes take a few mins for everything to reconnect to the router and internet, so just be patient.


After this you should see a massive difference to your service

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